Emi cut away the old gross fabric.
Here is what it looks like all cleaned up. It is ready to be covered.
After putting our extra helpers outside it was time to get the fabric out. Which I got for free. It was curtain liner from some old movie theater curtains that were given to me. I cut them apart and saved the liners. I just knew they would come in handy one day.
I laid it all out then laid the naked bunkie board on top.
No stable gun here! I had to find another way to attach the fabric. I used small nails. They worked fabulously.
Here I am taking my time going around pulling the fabric snug.
Viola', it is finished. Just needed a little trimming of the excess fabric. Which was easy to do.
Here it is all done and ready to go! Like I have said before. I would show you the finished bed, but I am going to save the revel for later when the room is done. Happy Hump Day!